Kharkiv National University of Medicine is one of the largest medical higher schools of Ukraine, a member of International Association of Universities, registered under UNESCO.
The graduates of Kharkiv National University of Medicine have an opportunity to meet challenges of a career in health, science and, as a result, to achieve the most complete self-realization.
Undergraduate medical education
Foreign students are trained in the following specialities:
• General Medicine, the period of study is 6 years.
• Stomatology, the period of study is 5 years.
Within the period of studies the students undergo academic training in main medical and dental specialities. They take part in examinations of patients, giving urgent aid, work at X-ray rooms, clinical and biochemical laboratories. Particular attention is paid to clinical rounds of patients, their management, filling in and arrangement of medical reports with their subsequent analysis.
The graduates are awarded a Diploma of Specialist and qualified as Physicians with the title of “Doctor of Medicine” in General Medicine ans Stomatologists with the title of “Doctor of Medicine” in Stomatology.
Postgraduate education
• a clinical postgraduate course (residency) lasting 2-4 years;
• a postgraduate course with an opportunity to defend a thesis competing for a scientific degree, the term of training is 3 years.
KhNMU has created all conditions for improving the professional level in the specialities acquired. The University departments have modern diagnostic and medical equipment and laboratories for researches. The most popular specialities include Surgery, Ophthalmology, Traumatology and Orthopaedics, Urology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, etc.
The work of a clinical postgraduate (resident) is carried on in compliance with the individual plan, which is devised and approved under the guidance of the head of a department or its professor, who is responsible for training of this resident, not later than one month after his/her enrolment. The plan envisages study of the basic speciality, a number of related clinical subjects, medical statistics, clinical biochemistry and pharmacology, medical genetics, etc.
Each specialist, who has finished his/her clinical postgraduate course, is awarded a Certificate of Specialized Training in Medicine (Residency) according to international standards and a Transcript to the above Certificate with indication of the numbers of hours in the studied subjects and grades for them. This Certificate gives the right to carry out all works, which are related to the speciality acquired.
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