Kharkov National Academy of Municipal Services is an institution of higher education in Kharkov.
The Academy consists of 9 faculties and 30 departments.
Faculty of Urban Planning and Architecture
- Department of Architectural and Landscape Design
- Department of Architectural Monitoring of Urban Environment
- Department of Urban Planning
- Deparment of Ground and Foundation Technology and Geologic Engineering
- Department of Heating and Cooling Systems
- Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics
- Department of Geographic Information Systems and Geodesy
Faculty of Urban Environmental Engineering
- Department of Gas and Heating System Operation
- Department of Higher Mathematics
- Department of Chemistry
- Department of Urban Environmental Engineering
- Department of Water Supply, Sewage and Water Purification
Faculty of Electric Transport
- Department of Theoretical and Structural Mechanics
- Department of Personal and Social Safety
- Department of History and Cultural Studies
- Department of Physics
- Department of Electric Transport
Faculty of Power Supply and City Lighting
- Department of City Power Supply
- Department of Lighting Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Department of Physical Education and Sport
- Department of Philosophy and Political Science
Faculty of Economics and Entrepreneurship
- Department of Construction Economics
- Department of Urban and Regional Economics
- Department of Accounting and Audit
- Department of Economic Theory
- Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies
- Department of Legal Assistance in Business Activities
Faculty of Management
The Faculty of Management offers Bachelor’s and Specialist’s courses in the following areas of study:
- Management (Logistics, Organisational Management)
- Tourism (Hotel Management)
- Transport Technologies (Transport Systems, Transportation Organisation and Transport Management, Traffic Control)
Faculty of Professional Development and Retraining of the Academy’s Management and Personnel
The Faculty offers housing and communal service specialists the following professional development courses:
- Ways of reforming housing and communal services
- Creation and efficient management of apartment owners unions in modern housing and communal services
- Travel and Hotel Business Organisation
- Topical issues and modern energy and resource saving methods for public utility companies
- New technologies of drinking water and sewage disinfection
- Ways to reduce technological drinking water losses at water supply and sewage enterprises. Preparation of technological water consumption standards.
- Recycling issues and efficient management of sanitary purification enterprises.
- Efficient ways of managing city|district housing and communal services as a top priority for local authorities
- Management of apartment buildings and creation of apartment owners’ unions
- Building estimates
- Maintenance, repair and reconstruction of buildings

Customer Relationship Manager-Helen
Speaks English, French,Russian, Ukrainian